Ryan Evert

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Ryan Evert
Born: September 29, 1986
Milwaukee Brewers Uniform #11
Position: Platform: Wii
TRJ = 2
CON = 8 PWR = 119
RUN SPD = 10 ARM STR = 10
FLD = 9 E RES = 9
Hitting Zones - Left Handed

An Australian outfielder with all-around ability, Ryan Evert was picked by the Chargers as a reserve outfielder and lefty bat off the bench.


This is a Success Mode 4th outfielder for my custom team, the Charlotte Chargers. He is based on last year's character, Evan Lansky, but a little more believable as a reserve/all-around outfielder. Inspirations range from JD Drew to Trot Nixon - I wanted him to have some good hitter abilities, and be a better fielder than Nick James, but not be so good as to displace Enrico Santiago. I kept his contact and power as low as I could, but he would not stop accumulating great hitting abilities - Clutch Hit, Refined, Tough Out, etc. A horribly botched Goodjob visit took all his abilities down to E or F level right before year 2 started, but I bounced back okay. At the end a SoD book gave me Gold Glover, which was a bit out of whack, but oh well.

Evert projects to split time in all outfield positions, playing center when a stacked lefty lineup is required. He will also play RF when Nick James is resting, DH'ing, or playing first, and may come in as a late-inning defensive replacement for him as well. Evert will not play all the time, due to known health issues (Durability 2), but as the only lefty on the bench, he should see significant pinch-hitting and pinch-running action.

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