Custom Players:Justin Baker

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A backup starter for my custom Success Mode team, the Charlotte Chargers. I modelled him after a pitcher on my fictional team in Baseball Mogul. Baker doesn't have world-class speed or a variety of pitches, so he uses his curve and circle change wisely. I had all the abilities I wanted in the second year, so I spent all my spare points in fielding abilities, making him a passable backup center fielder. Sort of like a Rick Ankiel or Dave McCarty, with less arm and better pitching. Baker figures to be fighting for a long man spot in my bullpen.

Character creation wasn't too interesting - lost against the CRs in the second year, and against Mars in the third year. I wanted a stronger arm as a fielder, but I didn't want to outpace my existing outfielders too bad. Making a normal guy in success mode is getting difficult!

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