
From MLB Power Pros Wiki

Revision as of 19:19, 6 October 2008 by Odawali (Talk | contribs)
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I absolutely hate this word and am aware that mood is more commonly used in the forums (though this status has more to do about biorhythm/grooves/slumps/etc than just an emotional state). However, since this is the word in the game manual (p18 under Matchup/Lineup on the PS2 version), I thought the wiki should stick to official names. I had to create this page to explain Consistency.--Odawali 07:14, 29 May 2008 (UTC)


I've updated everything with Condition, the new translation. It's not worth having two pages on the same thing, so I think all "gameplay fact" pages should be updated to the latest terminology, with changes from 2007 explain on the page.--Odawali 19:19, 6 October 2008 (UTC)

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