Success Mode

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If you are looking for a walk-through, look here.

Success Mode is one of the unique features of MLB Power Pros. It allows you to create a character from scratch, placing him into college Powerful University and he joins the school's baseball team known as The Tulips. The objective of success mode is to win a minor-league contract with your favorite major-league team. The player goes through three years of baseball, school, work, and romance in order to earn his way into the big leagues. You only have 1 save location for success mode, and it is erased whenever a new character is made.


Getting Started

For an in-depth look at starting stats and abilities/skills, look here.

You are able to customize the player's name, appearance, and basic baseball information at the beginning of the game. If you successfully make it to the majors, you will have a second (and final) chance to further adjust your player's appearance and basic information.

   a. Player creation
   b. Starting stats/abilities
   c. Gd sense, Pr sense, neither

Player building philosophies

Moved here

   a. save/reload exploit
   b. min/max approach (max stats by training and ignoring most role playing aspects)
   c. balanced approach

Player abilities/ratings

   a. Strategy for upgrading pitcher ability categories
   b. Strategy for upgrading position player ability categories

Secondary Skills


       1. Honor Student - reduces amount of vitality used for in study
       2. Genius - able to see the hyper-recovery gauge
       3. Professor - able to unlock the hidden abilities of items
       4. Inventor - invents new items and/or training techniques during study  

Money Man

       1. Job Master - increases the salary and reduces the amount of vitality used in the job
       2. Smart Shopper - the prices of items at the store go down, you can sell your items for better prices
       3. Financier - characters makes some extra money every week
       4. Collector - able to see the hidden abilities of items

Ladies Man

       1. Stud - lose less vitality on dates
       2. Hunk - cures love sickness
       3. Idol - receives presents from random fans
       4. ???

Success Mode timeline

   a. Key dates/events
   b. Study questions and answers
       1. Which was not one of Shakespeare's great trajedies? - Answer: Midsummer Night's Dream (a romantic comedy)

Story arcs

   a. Sarah
   b. Annie/Anabelle
   c. Becky
   d. Team Captain/Toby/Alvin/Robbie
   e. Marvin
   f. Dad
   g. Working
   h. Willy
   i. Dr. Goodjob
   j. Boy in park
       1. It takes many times to get something out of the boy.  Agree to play catch with him the first two times.  Choose to NOT play catch with him the third, and he play catch with you (if you choose otherwise, he won't play).  The fourth time you'll meet a girl who tells you the boy went to AAA Hospital.  When you get there the doctor's tell you he died months ago.  Later, you'll see the boy and call him a ghost.  He'll tell you he was in CCC Hospital.


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