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 Post subject: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:33 pm 
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It’s that time again! No, not the NBA Finals. It’s time for me to start a bunch of projects, and never finish them! This one’s an RPG. But unlike the previous RPGs, this one is NOT restricted to just baseball! Your character can play three sports, no sports, be male or female, anything you want - as long as they’re in high school! PM me if you’re interested, and I will send you the info to fill out!

Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Olive - she/they // NAPOLI FOR MVP // post count doesn't matter

yeah that log's dead too- i mean on hiatus (yes that one too) (seriously all of them now lol) (haha unless...?)

"All people are good for something. The important thing is finding what." - Tom

BrewersFuzz wrote:
PEDs wrote:
i think we banned him cause he was an idiot
glad i never got banned for that

Second Member of the 10,000 Post Cult

Last edited by AgentP on Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:39 pm 
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Can my guy be the leader of the Master Bates club? All they do is discuss their lord and savior Norman Bates.

PowerPro Jr wrote:
Zumikaku wrote:
...and a bag of Skittles having a conversation.
Are you saying it's wrong to talk to a bag of Skittles? Because if so, I'm going to need to rethink a lot of things. :P
BrewersFuzz wrote:
Powerprosfan31 wrote:
What do twelve year olds do with girlfriends?
Give them ringpops and let them cut up to their spot in line during lunch.
Dishnetkid is a heretic who must be burned

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:27 pm 
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Ghetto Life, Part 1

Damien Marrero woke up in an unfamiliar place. Someone tall stood over him. “Want a smoke?” the tall figure asked. “LaMarcus? Where am I?” Damien asked as he took the joint from his friend. “We crashed at some dude’s house after that banger last night, remember?” “What the hell? Why don’t I remember any of this?” “Dude, you were so drunk last night. I saw you drink at least five cans of Keystone,” LaMarcus said. “That’s sick,” Damien replied. He got up, stretched, and put on a white tank top and some basketball shorts. After taking a puff of LaMarcus’s joint, he passed it back and did ten push-ups. They snuck out before anyone could see them, and went down to the bus stop. “I can’t believe school’s about to start,” Damien said. “I’m ready for some football, but I don’t know about real school,” LaMarcus replied. The bus arrived, LaMarcus paying for their two tickets as usual. “Where are we going?” he asked. “You know where,” Damien replied with a smirk.

Where is the usual? (ZeroGibson13)

A. McDonald’s
B. Their drug dealer’s house
C. The mall
D. Nowhere, really

The Scandal, Part 1

John Martinez stepped off of the scale. “185?!?” he screamed. “I gotta go bulk up some more,” he thought to himself. John went out to the bus stop. “One ticket, please,” he said as he handed the driver a dollar. He went and sat down next to a couple black kids. “You know where,” one of them said. John got off quickly, as his stop was not too far from his house. He walked up to one house, but heard gunshots. “Better not mess with that,” he mumbled to himself as he walked to the house next door. John knocked on the door, and an older man answered. “Is Marie home?” John asked. “Yes, she is, what do you want?” the man asked. “Oh, I was just stuck on this math problem, and I hoped she could help,” he said, convincing the man to let him in. John went upstairs into a seemingly empty room, where his friend Marie was sitting.

What do you want from Marie? (Baseballteen9500)

A. Help with a math problem
B. Steroids
C. Five dollars
D. Nothing, really

The Italian, Part 1

Tony Costanza walked down to the empty field, football and kicking tee in hand. He started at the 10-yard line, extra-point distance, as he always did. After he made one from each of three spots from that distance, he moved back five yards until he missed three in a row. Tony got all the way back to kicking from the 30-yard line, when he heard someone yell. “Costanza?!? Is that you?” yelled a familiar voice. Tony paused and looked towards the source of the voice. His former soccer teammate, Cal Smith, stood there watching him. “What’s up?” Tony asked. “I was just coming down here for one last visit until I leave for college,” Cal said. Tony and Cal talked for a few minutes, but Cal had to leave. By then, someone else had made their way to the Powerful High football field. Neither Tony nor Cal recognized the tall, stocky kid who had sauntered onto the field. The kid walked down to one end of the field - Tony’s end - and set up a tire to throw the ball through. Tony sat back and watched as the kid rocketed pass after pass through the circular target. Finally, he stopped to get some water. The kid walked over toward the water fountain, and when he finished drinking, Tony was right behind him. “Hey, who are you?” he asked. “I’m Ben Matthews, starting quarterback for the St. Luke’s Hornets,” the kid said proudly. “Well, I’m Tony Costanza, kicker for the Powerful High Pioneers, and I was using the field,” Tony replied. “You wanna go?” Ben asked, raising his fists.

You wanna go? (PowerPro Jr)

A. Hell yeah!
B. I guess…
C. Start to walk away, then sucker punch Ben
D. Not really

Shoegaze and Slowcore, Part 1

William Ellison finished his third lap around the quarter-mile course. “One more,” he huffed through heavy breaths. As he rounded the final corner, heading for the finish line and his coach, he failed to see the scrawny kid take off in the other direction. “Oof!” William said as they collided into each other. “Sorry,” the kid choked out. William helped him get up, but was infuriated that his mile time would suffer. “Hi. I’m Elliott,” the boy said quietly. “I’m William, and you just messed up my mile time,” he said, trying to intimidate Elliott. “Um…sorry, I guess I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Elliott mumbled.

Respond to Elliott! (maccrash21)

A. Brush yourself off, finish the mile
B. Shoo him away, run another mile
C. Start a fight
D. Don’t do anything, really

Shakespeare Scholar, Part 1

Cordelia Shepard stepped out of the orphanage at St. Luke’s Academy for some fresh air. It was a nice summer day. Cordelia could imagine Shakespeare describing a day like this. Out of the corner of her eye, Cordelia saw another girl coming towards her with some papers. The girl tripped over her untied shoelaces, and the papers went flying. Cordelia bent down and picked one up. “FOR PROSPECTIVE HONORS STUDENTS,” the flyer read. The other girl got up. “You want one of these- oh, you already got one,” she said. Cordelia knelt down and helped the girl pick up the flyers. “I’m Cassandra, a junior here,” she said as Cordelia handed her the stack she had picked up. “I’m Cordelia, and I’ll be a senior this year,” Cordelia said. “Well, as you can see, there’s a meeting in the Quad at 5:30 tonight. There’s going to be free sandwiches,” Cassandra said.

Will you go to the Honors Program meeting? (Powerprosfan31)

A. Definitely
B. Yes, but only for the free sandwiches
C. Nope
D. I’m already in the Honors Program, really

Cass or Cassie, Part 1

Cassandra Littleton walked around the beautiful St. Luke’s Academy campus, handing out flyers for the Honors Program meeting. She was down to just one when she encountered a boy who seemed a bit too small to be in high school, skateboarding down the sidewalk. “Hey, what’re those papers for?” the boy asked. “It’s for the Honors Program, for high schoolers,” Cassandra said. “Well, can I have one?” he asked. “Like I said, it’s for high schoolers only-“ “I am a high schooler!” the kid said, frustrated. Cassandra handed him the flyer and started to walk away. “Hey, wait,” the boy called after her. What does he want? she thought. “Sorry for yelling at you,” he said. “My name’s Elliott. I’m a freshman.”

Do you accept Elliott’s apology? (detroittigers15)

A. Of course!
B. Yes, but with a stern word of advice.
D. It was nothing, really

69, Part 1

Jeffrey Hutchinson tiptoed behind the boy in front of him. He waited for the perfect moment…and when the boy turned a corner, Jeffrey leaped behind him, whispering, “I want to do dirty things to you,” in his ear. The boy turned around. “Huh?” A figure moved in the bushes. “What the-“ The boy sprinted off, into the distance, a maniacal laugh trailing behind him. “First victim of the day,” Jeffrey said, high-fiving himself. “Jeffrey!” A voice called out behind him. “Jeffrey, if you don’t come home right now, I’m gonna beat your-“

Your mother commands you to come home! (SkittleMonster)

A. Go home, and obey your mother
B. Slowly walk back, and lock yourself in your room
C. Give the “jacking off” motion, and run
D. Continue walking away. She won’t do anything, really

…For Threeeeee!, Part 1

Jordyn Hopkins laced up her new basketball shoes, picked out a ball from the rack, and started shooting. Swish! went the first shot, and the second, and the third… Jordyn made twenty-one shots in a row, not that she was counting or anything. Her dad came onto the court. “21?” he asked. “Were you counting?” Jordyn asked back. “No, I meant do you want to play a game of 21-wait, you made 21 shots in a row?” her dad replied. “Yeah, and yeah. I’ll shoot for ball,” Jordyn said, stepping to the free-throw line and knocking down a shot. Her dad came down to her end of the court and they started playing. Before her dad knew it, Jordyn was up seventeen to four, with the ball.

What do you do? (BrewersFuzz)

A. Attack the basket
B. Shoot a three
C. Throw the ball at his face
D. Tell her dad he should give up, really

Gunnin’ for the Gallery, Part 1

Gunner McCoy walked onto the campus of the School of the Arts. It was actually a joint campus with the local Tech Institute, but that didn’t matter to Gunner. He walked inside, and went into the first classroom he recognized. Class 104 - Mrs. Tam - Sculptures. Gunner had taken Sculptures class in eighth grade, but wasn’t sure if he was going to take it again as a freshman. Mrs. Tam was in the room, as was a smaller boy he didn’t recognize. “Who’s there?” Mrs. Tam called out. “It’s me, Gunner,” he said. “Oh, Gunner! So glad to see you!” Mrs. Tam said as she came up to him for a hug. “Who’s this?” Gunner asked, pointing at the boy. “This is my son, Joshua. He’s new to the school, and he’s in your grade! In fact, could you show him around the campus?” Mrs. Tam asked. “Of course,” Gunner said. “What’s he studying?” “Joshua, what are you studying, dear?” Mrs. Tam asked, hoping her son would tell Gunner. “Uh, digital media, and programming,” he said as he typed away on his tablet. “Joshua, this is Gunner. He’s going to take you on a tour around campus,” Mrs. Tam said.
Joshua got up and joined Gunner. They started walking, Gunner showing Joshua the general classrooms, like English and science, that everyone would have to take. He then took him outside to walk over to the technology building, and in the sunlight, Gunner was able to get a good look at Joshua’s hair - a mohawk, and a purple mohawk at that.

A purple mohawk?!? (Paul McCartney15)

A. Ridicule him for it
B. Compliment him on it
C. Ask about it
D. Don’t say anything, really

The Humble Snob, Part 1

Ben Matthews woke up and went downstairs in his Call of Duty boxer shorts. He fixed himself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, with milk, and took it into the living room, where he ate it quietly. (Ben believed that fixing his own breakfast made him humble.) His annoying sister came down the stairs, and Ben tried to hide his 6’6”, 225-pound frame from sight. It didn’t work. “Hi, Ben,” she said in a voice that seemed a little too nice… Ben groaned and got up from his hiding spot. “Whatcha doin’ down there?” she asked. “Just looking for my, um, spoon,” Ben said as he “found” the spoon. He took it over to the kitchen and put it and the bowl in the sink. “Whatcha gonna do later?” she asked him. He noticed she had dropped the faux-nice tone. “Avoid you,” he thought to himself, saying, “I dunno, work out maybe.” “Well, I’m gonna get a new doll, and a bunch of outfits for her to wear,” his sister said. Ben could tell that she was trying to annoy him now. He ignored her and went upstairs to shower and brush his teeth. Afterwards, he decided to go down and work out at Powerful High, since St. Luke’s football field was being renovated.

What should he wear? (GoTwins24)

A. Muscle shirt and shorts, to show off
B. T-shirt and shorts, for comfort
C. Long-sleeve shirt and jeans, to look humble
D. It doesn’t matter, really

Olive - she/they // NAPOLI FOR MVP // post count doesn't matter

yeah that log's dead too- i mean on hiatus (yes that one too) (seriously all of them now lol) (haha unless...?)

"All people are good for something. The important thing is finding what." - Tom

BrewersFuzz wrote:
PEDs wrote:
i think we banned him cause he was an idiot
glad i never got banned for that

Second Member of the 10,000 Post Cult

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:32 pm 
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Gotta go with that B

PowerPro Jr wrote:
Zumikaku wrote:
...and a bag of Skittles having a conversation.
Are you saying it's wrong to talk to a bag of Skittles? Because if so, I'm going to need to rethink a lot of things. :P
BrewersFuzz wrote:
Powerprosfan31 wrote:
What do twelve year olds do with girlfriends?
Give them ringpops and let them cut up to their spot in line during lunch.
Dishnetkid is a heretic who must be burned

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:54 pm 
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Gotta go with that D, but in a joking around manner :)

Paul McCartney15 wrote:
You should have been banned from this forum over 5,000 posts ago tbh

Inaugural Member of the 10,000 Post Cult

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:13 pm 
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Ham Bone wrote:
I know I'm very late but I just looked at you log (the one in your sig) and noticed one of the teams are the Ham Bones. Nice name. I like it.

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:26 pm 
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I'll go with C.

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Um. Thats easy both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott

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 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:44 pm 
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A. McDonald's foqskdmwko



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 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:50 pm 
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A. For Mr. Martinez

The New Big Three is here-Derek Barnett, Manfred Anderson, and Randall Grabow
Even Though I'm a reliever I wasn't always a Genius- Hank Torres
DayDreaming is what it's like to sleep with your eyes open- BBMan 9500
.247 is better than .000 if I'm being honest.-BBMan9500

I will always love this place

When there is actually activity again I'll be there!

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:31 am 
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B pls

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 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:13 am 
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I giggled at the title of mine

and PPJ's character's name

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:05 pm 
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B: T-shirt and shorts

The source of my emotional anguish:
ZeroGibson13 wrote:
So far your Game 1 and 2 predictions have been the opposite of right, so I'm gonna predict the Indians have a 3-1 lead after Game 4.

BrewersFuzz wrote:

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:26 pm 
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A for me, please.

Who'd want to be men of the people when there's people like you?

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:44 pm 
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Ghetto Life, Part 2

Damien and LaMarcus got off the bus at 45th Street, and headed to McDonald’s. LaMarcus got a Sausage McMuffin, and Damien got two egg McGriddles. They left, and walked into town. “We don’t have money, you know-“ Damien was cut off, as LaMarcus spotted some girl on the other side of the street, and left Damien alone to go talk to her.

What do you do? (ZeroGibson13)

A. Go flirt with another girl
B. Beg for money
C. Start a fight
D. Wait for him

The Scandal, Part 2

John lived up to his word and asked for help with a math problem. He had no idea how that would help him bulk up, but whatever, long division was hard. “504 divided by 24?” asked Marie. “That’s easy,” she said. “Well, can you show me how?” John asked. “Wait,” Marie said, sensing something. She showed him the steps, and that the answer was 21. “Wow, thanks,” John said. He left, but stopped when he heard the sound of gunfire behind him.

Respond to the gunfire! (Baseballteen9500)

A. Turn back and help whoever was shot
B. Run away quickly
C. Go back into Marie’s house until it stops
D. Calmly walk away

The Italian, Part 2

“Hell yeah, I wanna go,” Tony said. Ben tossed a weak punch at Tony, but Tony blocked it and struck a blow to the face. They went at it for several minutes, not really doing any damage, each waiting for the other to strike. Ben got up, and was about to punch, when they heard footsteps.

Footsteps? (PowerPro Jr)

A. Quick punch, then flee
B. Cry out in pain
C. Continue fighting
D. Act like nothing happened

Shoegaze and Slowcore, Part 2

William brushed himself off, and finished the mile. “Nine, forty-two,” his coach said. “Coach, did you see-“ “Yeah, I’ll let you run another one,” the coach interrupted. William went over to get a drink of water, and the kid - Elliott - had disappeared. William got up and stretched, then started his mile.

How will you run the mile? (maccrash21)

A. Pace yourself
B. Maximum speed
C. Stay aware of surroundings
D. Don’t run, and go get high

Shakespeare Scholar, Part 2

Cordelia went to the meeting, only for the free sandwiches. However, when they said the honors students would study Shakespeare’s works in depth, Cordelia was interested. Between bites of her turkey sandwich, she listened, interested. The other classes sounded too hard, though. After the meeting, she asked a teacher if she could just take one class in the Honors Program. “Of course, sweetie,” she said. Cordelia signed up for Honors English, then left.

Where next? (Powerprosfan31)

A. Back to the orphanage
B. A movie
C. Go run
D. Just stand there, staring into space

Cass or Cassie, Part 2

“It’s alright,” Cass said to Elliott. “My name’s Cassandra Littleton, although most people call me Cass, or Cassie. I’m a junior.” “Nice to meet you, but I must be going,” Elliott said. He took off on his skateboard, and Cass went down to the soccer field, where a pickup game had already started.

What to do? (detroittigers15)

A. Ask to join the game
B. Call next game
C. Go do something else (Specify what)
D. Distract everyone, then steal the ball

69, Part 2

Jeffrey slunked back home. “I just don’t want you getting into trouble,” his mom said. Jeffrey ignored her and went upstairs to his bedroom, locking the door. A few minutes later, he got a call from an unknown number, albeit one in the area. He picked up. “Hello?” “Hey, this is Cody Marshall. I was told to call you, because you’re going to be my buddy on the first day of school or something,” the kid on the other end said.

Buddy? (SkittleMonster)

A. Have a normal conversation
B. Tell him about your club
C. Tell him to go screw himself
D. Maniacally laugh and hang up

…For Threeeeee!, Part 2

Jordyn took the ball and waited. “You know, it’s 17 to 4, you should probably just give up,” she told her dad, grinning. He declined, and she drained a three, making it 20 to 4. Her free throw went in, and Jordyn won the game of 21. They both went over to the side of the court to get a drink. After that, they went back home. Her mom told her they were going shopping later, to get Jordyn something “respectable” to wear.

Go shopping? (BrewersFuzz)

A. Yes, and get what Mom wants
B. Yes, but get what you want
C. No, but go on your own later
D. No, just wear what you have

Gunnin’ for the Gallery, Part 2

Gunner looked at Joshua’s purple mohawk for a second too long, and Joshua caught him. They both awkwardly stared at each other, until Gunner broke the ice. “So, a purple mohawk, huh?” “Yeah,” Joshua said, staring holes into the ground. “Why purple?” “I dunno, it’s not even my favorite color.” “What is, then?” “Lime green,” Joshua said, still looking down at the concrete. Gunner didn’t really know his way around the tech building, but he saw someone approaching who looked like he might. “Hey, I’m Gunner. Would you mind taking Joshua here on a tour of the building?” “No problem. I’m Noah, by the way,” he said, taking one earbud out. As I walked away, I could hear them discussing their mutual like of techno music, or something like that.

What now? (Paul McCartney15)

A. Go to the gym
B. Go into the theater
C. Go into the art room
D. Go back to the orphanage

The Humble Snob, Part 2

Ben decided to be comfortable, and wear a T-shirt and shorts. He got there, and did not see the football and tee already there. Ben set up his tire and started throwing at it. After fifty throws, Ben went toward the water fountain to get a drink. When he finished and turned around, someone was standing there. The kid said he had been using the field, and Ben challenged him to a fight.
After they fought, Ben went home, black-eyed and bruised.

What do you do? (GoTwins24)

A. Try to hide your injuries
B. Claim that you won the fight
C. Bribe your sister not to tell
D. Act normal

Olive - she/they // NAPOLI FOR MVP // post count doesn't matter

yeah that log's dead too- i mean on hiatus (yes that one too) (seriously all of them now lol) (haha unless...?)

"All people are good for something. The important thing is finding what." - Tom

BrewersFuzz wrote:
PEDs wrote:
i think we banned him cause he was an idiot
glad i never got banned for that

Second Member of the 10,000 Post Cult

 Post subject: Re: RPG #5!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:47 pm 
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B. Everyone must know about the Master Bates club

Also, will these storylines intertwine?

PowerPro Jr wrote:
Zumikaku wrote:
...and a bag of Skittles having a conversation.
Are you saying it's wrong to talk to a bag of Skittles? Because if so, I'm going to need to rethink a lot of things. :P
BrewersFuzz wrote:
Powerprosfan31 wrote:
What do twelve year olds do with girlfriends?
Give them ringpops and let them cut up to their spot in line during lunch.
Dishnetkid is a heretic who must be burned

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