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 Post subject: New Banning and Suspending Rules/Regulations
PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:26 am 
Community Manager
Community Manager
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Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:01 pm
Posts: 9585
Location: Michigan
Favorite Team: Tigers
Console '07: Nintendo Wii
Console '08: Nintendo Wii
Favorite Japanese title: (Wii) Jikkyou Powerful Major League 2009
Due to the events of the last week-plus, there will now be new rules and regulations for suspensions and bans on the forum. As approved by the majority of the forum community who voted on the proposal, these new rules will be implemented immediately:
1. A 3-strike approach with forum behavior. Any of the following may be subject to a warning:
*Harassment toward other members
*Other miscellaneous conduct deemed inappropriate by either the forum community/community manager
-1a.After 2 warnings, the offender gets a suspension of 5-7 days. After 3, banned permanently. If offenses are severe enough, an auto-ban might be warranted.

2. Auto-bans are given out for making spam posts, akin to the kind we saw back in 2012-2013 with WoW Gold, boner pills, and the like.

3. If you are found to have a multiple account, that multiple account will get banned, and the original account (deemed as the earliest sign up date out of the accounts) will receive a warning.
-3a. If you are making a multiple account for legitimate reasons as deemed by the Community/Community Manager (i.e. forgetting a password to an old account), no warning will be given, but activity on the old account will be monitored closely.
--3a.1. If the old account comes back into fruition (as deemed by factors including, but not limited to, last user activity) with the new account, without proper explanation, the punishment from Rule 3 will be given immediately.
Please keep these rules in mind as you converse in the forum. We like people having friendly discussion about this classic game, but please do not get too out of hand.

Thank you for visiting and using the MLB Power Pros Forums!

My YouTube

"Another year older, another year better at Power Pros!" -Me
"Best way to get laid: Tell her you're the community manager of a baseball video game forum." -SkittleMonster
"The Chronicles of Dish's Love Life. I'd read it." -BrewersFuzz
"Find a way to be alone in a baseball stadium at sunrise, when the only sound you hear are about nine birds that got lost, and found themselves in a stadium, and they’re chirping across the grandstand trying to figure out where the *(censored)* they ended up." -Dan Besbris

Twitter: @robtoml_statman

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