Day 5 Bonus
(WARNING: There is a bit of spoilers ahead for those of you who want to play the game, relating to a huge plot point. If you want to be spoiled, highlight the blank spot where there's supposed to be text. You've been warned.)
-Let's start August, shall we? I start off by getting some Top Speed practice in and getting a Hot Dog at Ducks.
-No cutscenes in that week. That is STRANGE.
-Starting off the second week of August, I get some strength training in, and get about 24 more strength points.
-Cutscene! I meet up with a little kid at the park. Right off the bat, he calls me "Grandpa." We're off to a wonderful start, folks. --I get him right back and call him a baby, playfully of course. He says that he lost his ball up in the tree, and asks me to go get it. I ask him if it's the tree near us, and the kid says, "Yes, sister." OK, now he's starting to push my buttons. --I now have three choices: climb the tree, give up, or touch. I obviously go with climbing the tree. I grab the ball, and give it back to him. He thanks me by saying I'm a "kind old man." Sigh. I lose three vitality points, but gain 4 strength points.
-I go to the gym to visit Hayley, and I do a little more tennis. In addition to the gains I've gotten earlier, I got a +1 motivation boost, as well. So that's awesome.
-With the added strength points I've gotten, I upgrade my Top Speed by 2 mph, to 142 km/h.
-I then go to the shop to buy a Gambler's Ticket. I thought I had enough money to get a Powerin in this trip, but that was not to be.
-Game time! We face off with the Gigantes at our place! I'm once again the starting pitcher. --First scenario: runner on first after a 2-out single in the Top of the first. I strike out Morgan to end the inning. --Second scenario: Leadoff single in the top of the second. I get a flyout to center and two strikeouts to end that threat. --Third scenario: 1-out single in the top of the third. I get two strikeouts sandwiched around a stolen base to end the inning. --Fourth scenario: Leadoff double in the top of the 4th. I strike out the side. Ho hum. --Fifth scenario: Leadoff single in the top of the 5th. I get a groundout that's almost a double play, a strikeout looking, and a swinging strikeout to end the inning, and my outing. We win the game, 6-2. --My final line: 5 IP, 12 K, 0 BB, 0 ER, and 5 hits. Not too shabby. I get 64 strength, technique, and breaking ball points, as well as 32 mentality points.
-With my earnings, I upgrade my knuckleball to Level 3, my run speed up to a C-10 (because I can), and my stamina and control up a few points, as well.
-I have no vitality whatsoever, so I might as well go have fun with Hayley. We do a different training this time: an intensive reflex exercise. --I go ahead and do the exercise, and we move to the park. It looks like it's a quicktime event. Oh god. --As she throws balls to the left and right, she moves in the direction she threw the ball, and I need to grab it with the same hand. She will throw ten balls at first, but if I'm perfect through 10, she'll keep going til I make a mistake. 100 seems to be the max. --Quicktime events in Japanese. Help. --Oh god. That was horrible. Remind me to never do that again. I lose 5 likablity points, my motivation goes down by one, but I gain 4 points of quickness and tech! There's that, right?
-I get back those likability points on my next turn, as I go back to the gym and play tennis with Hayley. That was a trainwreck.
-Week 4 of August has me meeting up with ol' Earthy-boy. Oh joy. --I ask him if he's going to stay in America, and he replies by saying they wouldn't know the uniform he's wearing if he's in Japan. I then ask him that if he likes the Galaxy Sharks so much, why not join them? He retorts and asks if I think it'll take years for him to join the Sharks. Because by the time he'd make it, I'd be in the Majors already. --I say that you don't know if you don't try. He says that he can't do it, and that he wants to win with me. --I then ask him what happened in Japan, and I have to pitch against him again to find out. I sit his sorry ass down, and he says that he couldn't reach the Majors in Japan. He says my dream is too big for him when I ask if I should follow him or not, and that he he can't catch up to me anymore. --Earthy-boy then reveals that he quit Japanese baseball. --When I ask him why he did such a thing, he said that his pride got in the way of continuing to play baseball. He then walks away, dejected. --From this event, I grab 9 strength, technique, and breaking ball points.
-There's a mysterious woman at the lake this time, so I take some time out to go and visit. --This character looks like a combination hippie/mystic person. She exclaims that her body is soft and cute (Google Translate's words, not mine), and she jumps into the lake. She encourages me to jump in, too, but she gets back out of the water. --However, because I saw her perform a dive into the lake, I have to pay a fee. Ugh. I decide to pay, and then she does another trick where she turns her head 180 degrees. I remark that she should probably call an ambulance, and then eventually, I'm forced to take her to her house. --Apparently, this is Flu's older sister, I'm guessing. I ask why there's a picture of Flu on her table, and she remarks that it's her. Huh, what? --Apparently, she changes her personality a lot. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, she's an innocent girl, and on other days, except Sunday she has adult fascinations. As for Sunday, a third Flu that I don't know takes control. Oh god. --She mentions that she doesn't know what the third Flu does, but she ALWAYS FINDS BLOOD ON HER HANDS AFTERWARDS. ---SOMEONE TELL ME WHY I'M PLAYING THIS BEFORE 1 AM. THIS IS *(censored)* NIGHTMARE FUEL. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. THIS JUST GOT *(censored)* DARK, *(censored)* QUICKLY. 0 TO 100 QUICK.
_________________ My YouTube
"Another year older, another year better at Power Pros!" -Me "Best way to get laid: Tell her you're the community manager of a baseball video game forum." -SkittleMonster "The Chronicles of Dish's Love Life. I'd read it." -BrewersFuzz "Find a way to be alone in a baseball stadium at sunrise, when the only sound you hear are about nine birds that got lost, and found themselves in a stadium, and they’re chirping across the grandstand trying to figure out where the *(censored)* they ended up." -Dan Besbris
Twitter: @robtoml_statman