Power Pros Forum

Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log
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Author:  cooldude1045 [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

A few starting notes:

-For the sake of clarity, this will be written in proper English, more or less, rather than having the character speaking Russian or something. (The character is Russian, and the assumption is that it would be written in Russian, but to make it easier on all of us, I'm writing it in English)

-This is NHL '13, an EA Sports game, as such, there are a ridiculous amount of bugs and glitches that may cause problems in the future.

-I've never really gotten into the Be A Pro mode, this log is more of an experiment to see if by getting more attached to the player I can have fun with the mode. Also to contribute hockey to a forum that desperately needs more of it.

-Will be written in first person probably, unless I get lazy about it or forget.

Zakhar Semenov:
-Left Wing
-19 years old
-5'11", 150lbs
-Playmaker style, usually looks for passes when available, he plays at his best when he can find open teammates and not get frustrated
-Going into his first year in the CHL, joining the Moncton Wildcats of the QMJHL, previously played in Russia

Well, everything is confirmed now, I'm moving to Canada for at least some time to play in the CHL. My family played a big part in this decision, they encouraged me to go for it, saying I had the talent to make it to the NHL, but the scouts wouldn't find me back home. Scouts are always watching in the CHL, so if I do have the talent they insist I do, which I'm not entirely sure about, I'll have little problem being noticed here. The plan at the moment is to just play a year in Moncton, and hopefully get noticed enough to get drafted in the NHL Entry Draft for next year. If it doesn't work out, I could always move back home and play there, maybe make it to the KHL someday.

I'm really nervous about the move more than I am about playing over there right now. I've spent very little time out of my hometown, what's it going to feel like moving to a whole new country? Hopefully the languages aren't too hard to pick up, I've been practicing a little English and French since considering the move, but I don't really have a working knowledge yet, I'm going to get a language tutor when I get there though.


I'm moved over now and getting ready for the start of the season, I'm surprised to hear I'm starting on the first forward line for the team. I'm not quite sure why, is the team really bad or do they just have confidence in me? I thought I would have to earn a good spot. They did make sure to tell me that I'm not being given a free ride, and I'll have to perform to stay on the first line.

Our first game is on the road against the P.E.I. Rockets, the anticipation is killing me, I can barely even sleep.

(I'm open to any questions, since people might not understand everything I'm saying about hockey. Most things you could probably just look up, but you don't have to, I'm always happy to talk about hockey)

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

Today the coach told me that he received a scouting report before I showed up on his team, and that's a big part of the reason he's giving me the chance on the first line. I didn't even know I was being scouted over where I was, but I must have been. These ratings are compared to NHL players rather than just the CHL players I'll be up against.

Overall: 68

Deking: 78
Hand-Eye: 81
Offensive Awareness: 82
Passing: 83
Puck Control: 85
Slap Shot Accuracy: 71
Slap Shot Power: 81
Wrist Shot Accuracy: 71
Wrist Shot Power: 84

Aggressiveness: 66
Body Checking: 72
Defensive Awareness: 72
Discipline: 78
Faceoffs: 71
Fighting Skill: 58
Shot Blocking: 63
Stick Checking: 73

Acceleration: 82
Agility: 83
Balance: 74
Durability: 77
Endurance: 75
Speed: 82
Strength: 73

Seeing this report was a huge boost to my confidence, I'm very surprised at how well I look in this, especially offensively. Some things are a bit confusing, like how they rated my faceoffs when I've been a winger as long as I can remember and don't take faceoffs, and I really don't know why someone would pay attention to rating an offensive prospects fighting ability when they rarely, if ever, fight, and it's not their job to fight.

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

Moncton Wildcats at P.E.I. Rocket:

Wildcats: 5
Rocket: 1

3 Stars:

1. Alex Dubeau - 36 shots, 35 saves, 1.00 GAA, .972 SV%
2. Alex Saulnier - 2 goals, 0 assists, 2 points
3. Zakhar Semenov - 0 goals, 3 assists, 3 points, 1 hit, 6 shots, +3, 22:03 Time on Ice

Goal Summary:

1st Period:
Mon - D.Stephens (K.Haas, C.Lalonde)
Mon - A.Saulnier (Z.Semenov, D.Jaskin)

2nd Period:
Mon - A.Saulnier (Z.Semenov, J.Melindy)
Mon - R.Johnston (K.Hodge, I.Barbashev)
Mon - A.Saulnier (Z.Semenov, D.Emond)

3rd Period:
PEI - PP L.Marcotte (A.Micallef, J.Currie)

I'm starting to like the Saulnier twins already, in just my first game I manage 3 assists, all of them primary assists to a Saulnier, a couple of them were off of my rebounds, one off of a good pass and a better shot. This is a great start for both me and the team, our goaltending has proven to be solid early, picking up a first star in a great performance. Our opposing goalie wasn't quite so good, getting pulled for the backup after allowing 4 goals, the backup let in another 1. I had a few good shots in this game too, but no goals yet, I'm looking forward to my first.

Season stats: 0 goals, 3 assists, 3 points

(Also, due to an NHL '13 glitch that was also in NHL '12 without being fixed. The next game was simulated against my will. It was a 4-1 win against the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles. Apparently Semenov had the game-winning goal.)

Season stats: 1 goal, 4 assists, 5 points, +6
Wildcats record: 2-0-0, tied for 1st in Maritimes division

Author:  detroittigers15 [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

cooldude1045 wrote:
-I've never really gotten into the Be A Pro mode, this log is more of an experiment to see if by getting more attached to the player I can have fun with the mode. Also to contribute hockey to a forum that desperately needs more of it.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'd consider myself the second or third biggest hockey fan on the site, but I'm not sure.

Also, I got NHL '13 for Christmas but haven't played Be A Pro yet. I see you can start in the CHL? That's pretty cool, and from the looks of it, it seems harder to get minutes than in the past games.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to this log's continuation.

Author:  AgentP [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

I like hockey too. I'll actually follow this log.

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

detroittigers15 wrote:
haven't played Be A Pro yet. I see you can start in the CHL? That's pretty cool, and from the looks of it, it seems harder to get minutes than in the past games.

I think that was introduced last year, along with the glitch that forces you to simulate past half your games, except last year it only happened to me when I was a goalie.

I planned to simulate some games anyway, but forcing it like that is stupid. I wouldn't expect it to be fixed though, considering it's worse than it was when it was there all of last years game.

For the sake of having some things to write, I'm going to treat the first goal I score controlling him as his first CHL goal.

Author:  dishnet34 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

If they put an E in the front of it, I may be tempted to-wait, they don't make it for the PC anymore? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Author:  maccrash21 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

I like what I've read so far. Will definitely follow.

Author:  ThatJoshGuy [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

dishnetkid wrote:
If they put an E in the front of it, I may be tempted to-wait, they don't make it for the PC anymore? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

You could always mod NHL 04. You won't get Be A Player mode or really anything in the newer games, obviously, but the community constantly updates the game with rosters and arenas, and I guess teams (See: Winnipeg)

Despite living in Florida, I'm quite a big hockey fan. Will be following this. Do you have any control over who drafts you or is that simulated as well? I haven't played a new NHL game since 09 to be honest, so I don't know how it works, my apologies.

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

With the option of starting in the CHL, I don't think you can have any control of which team drafts you, except by doing really well beforehand it's usually one of the worst teams of the last season. The only way to control your NHL team is to pick one from the start, or if you had somewhat realistic performances beforehand, reload the draft.

Author:  MrLiamcar [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

This looks like it will be a great log. And since you really like hockey, maybe this log won't have sooo many pauses. Hmmmm?

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

September 26:

Moncton Wildcats at Saint John Sea Dogs:

Moncton: 2
Sea Dogs: 3

A+ Position Score
A+ Team Play
D+ Stats

23:18 Time on Ice, -1 (shouldn't be, as the goal was scored a split second before I was on the ice), 14 shots

3 Stars:

1. Sebastien Auger - 38 shots, 36 saves, 2.01 GAA .947 SV%
2. Stephen Macaulay - 1 goal, 1 assist, 2 points, +1
3. Jonathan Huberdeau - 1 goal, 1 assist, 2 points, +1

Goal Summary:

1st Period:
MON - D.Jaskin (J.Narbonne)

2nd Period:
SNB - J.Huberdeau (R.Tesink, S.Macaulay)

3rd Period:
SNB - O.Cooper (M.Cuomo, J.Izacky)
SNB - S.Macaulay (J.Huberdeau, J.Repe)
MON - S.Roussy (A.Saulnier)

This game was beyond brutal in just about every way, for the team and myself. The opposing goalie was virtually unbeatable on shots from anywhere, no matter how perfect the shot was and how out of position he was. Nobody had any chemistry this game, and it seemed nobody wanted to make wide open passes unless someone called for it, then they would fire a terrible pass off in that general direction. I was robbed on shots several times, as I looked into the expectations for me this season and realized that for whatever reason they expect their playmaker to take a ridiculous amount of shots and score tons of goals. The highlight of the game had to be the time Veilleux forgot how to open the door to the bench and I missed a whole shift because of it.

(Managed to stop the auto-simulation so the next game isn't skipped)

Season stats: 1 goal, 4 assists, 5 points, +5
Wildcats record: 2-1-0, tied for 1st in Maritimes division

(Authors note: The AI in this game is so far beyond brutal I don't know if I'll be able to stand it for much longer. I hope I'll be able to at least come up with an idea for another hockey related log. Maybe one of the older games, like the 90's ones which somehow were better in pretty much every way except graphics.)

Author:  cooldude1045 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

MrLiamcar wrote:
This looks like it will be a great log. And since you really like hockey, maybe this log won't have sooo many pauses. Hmmmm?

We'll see, the AI is pretty damn brutal. It's bad enough in normal gameplay, when you control 1 player at a time, but when you can only control 1 player overall, it's even more noticeable.

Here's a video of the last game:

He was actually skating back and forth like that for more like 40 seconds, but that's all it let me record and it took way too long to upload as it is. In the mean time I could do nothing but stare at him from the bench.

Maybe I should have been a goalie. But the AI is pretty bad there too, like sometimes when the defense chooses to just leave you all alone and give the other team 10 rebound chances. I could do Be A GM, but they really screwed up the simulation times on PS3 alone somehow, also last time I checked it wouldn't let you play games without getting stuck at the end and not letting you exit. Overall I think nothing in this game actually works well.

Author:  MrLiamcar [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

:lol: that is terrible. Yeah, I understand if you do another game

Author:  shuuto12 [ Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zakhar Semenov - NHL '13 Be A Pro Log

I was going to say the AI is atrocious in this game... I got nhl 13 for the eashl mode, I am finally not behind in the sports gaming curve! :freak:

Good job so far though!

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