Power Pros Forum

RPG #10!
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Author:  AgentP [ Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

Friday finished out the break, as the kids would’ve had the weekend off anyways.

Thurgood Stubbs worked on his pitching form, and felt his accuracy improve slightly.

Anthony Mangum went shopping, but ended up making money as he was able to sell his dead brother’s corpse for five hundred dollars. He bought a few packs of baseball cards and a Lego set.

Harold Henderson called Jimmy and Matthew again, and this time the three of them were able to all hang out. They went to the mall and did hoodrat stuff for a couple hours.

Lake Lagunov called Stanislaus, and the two of them hung out all day.

Xander and Cody went to the mall, separately. Xander bought some new jeans and a poop emoji throw pillow, and Cody bought two T-shirts at two different stores: a blue striped tee at Hollister, and a Star Wars graphic tee at Macy’s.

Ug Li worked on fielding, and by the end of his intense workout, he was fielding a higher percentage of balls cleanly.

(Thurgood: CTRL +2, XP +4)
(Anthony: XP +10)
(Harold: Jimmy +2, Matthew +2, XP +8)
(Lake: Stanislaus +5, XP +5)
(Xander: XP +5)
(Cody: XP +5)
(Ug: E RES +2, XP +6)


GoTwins24 wrote:
Johnny Boyega wants to be casted in Soy Story 5.

we'll be in touch

Author:  AgentP [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

The next Monday, the baseball team gathered for another practice. It was immediately noticeable that the kids had all spent their week off in different ways. Seventh-grader Jaxon Stills and eighth-grader Charlie Pickett had made huge improvements over the break, as had many of the sixth-grade players, who had collectively spent over twenty percent of their break honing their skills in hopes of making the blue “A” team.

(All sixth-graders: PWR +1, CTRL +1, STAM +1, XP +1)
(Jaxon: RUN SPD +1, FLD +1)
(Charlie: TOP SPD +1, STAM +1)

That practice was also the first time the coaches asked if anyone knew how to throw any other pitches. Seven players knew an offspeed pitch, one knew a second fastball, and six knew a breaking ball, including eighth-grader Bryan Carvajal, who had the best curveball any of the kids had ever seen a fellow middle schooler throw.

After practice, the coaches announced that the kids would have the rest of the week off, but the following week would have a mandatory team meal on Monday, which was a school holiday. The team meal would represent one of the last chances for the kids to impress the coaches before the rosters were finalized.

Author:  AgentP [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

The week off from baseball (it was only the second six weeks, after all, and baseball didn’t start until the fourth period) gave everyone a chance to focus on their studies, at least for a week.

(All sixth-graders: GPA +0.05)

Monday was also Harold’s twelfth birthday, and Friday was his brother Tommy’s fourteenth birthday. The two of them decided to have a joint birthday party with Jimmy (whose birthday was on the 21st) and Anthony (26th) the following Friday.

The next Monday was October 12, and after a brief meeting at school, the kids loaded up in a big bus to take them all to a local barbecue joint. Coach Merritt told the boys to fill up on him. The boys surveyed the menu, wondering what to order…

What do you order? (Everyone)

A. Chopped beef sandwich (comes with fries and drink)
B. Sliced brisket sandwich (comes with fries and drink)
C. A side plate (potato salad, okra, baked beans, and a drink)
D. A huge slab of bologna (comes with baked beans and drink)
E. An ice cream cone (this is all you get to eat. also they only have rocky road and pistachio ice cream left)

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

A sounds pretty good actually

Author:  LetsGoMets77 [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

E just the cone

Author:  dishnet34 [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

B, por favor. Brisket is good.

Author:  GoTwins24 [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

A. You're making me hungry.

Author:  Tdud123 [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

C because okra winfrey

Author:  dustyfarmer [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

E. Pistachio ice cream.

btw, option D is gross.

Author:  Baseballteen9500 [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

A. It's for the muscles

Author:  Kungfupandacam [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

I'm sold-

Author:  AgentP [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

As the sixth-graders sat down at their table, they looked around to see what everyone else had gotten to eat. Xander observed that three of his teammates had gotten the chopped beef sandwich like him. Matthew saw Lake digging into a sliced brisket sandwich identical to the one he had ordered. Cody and Ug bonded over the okra that came with their side plates. No one got the bologna, with Stanislaus claiming it to be disgusting and then ordering a cone of pistachio ice cream. Jimmy ordered rocky road, and Thurgood told the waiter to surprise him. He was surprised when the waiter came out and smashed the cone in his face.

(Thurgood: RUN SPD +1, XP -2)
(Ug: PWR +5, STAM +5, XP +10)
(Jimmy: PWR +1, RUN SPD +1, XP -2)
(Stanislaus: RUN SPD +1, CTRL +1, XP -2)
(Anthony: PWR +10, XP +5)
(Johnny: PWR +10, XP +5)
(Harold: PWR +10, XP +5)
(Lake: ARM STR +1, TOP SPD +1, XP +5)
(Xander: PWR +10, XP +5)
(Matthew: ARM STR +1, TOP SPD +1, XP +5)
(Cody: PWR +5, STAM +5, XP +10)

Author:  AgentP [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

Okay, so here’s where the XP stuff starts to come in…

Seven of you have reached level 2! Two more of you briefly reached the level, but dropped off due to your poor choice of food, and two others haven’t yet met the goal of 20 XP.

As a reward for reaching level 2, the seven of you will each receive 10 “points”. These points can be used to buy ability upgrades as follows:

Trajectory = 5 points
Power, Control, Stamina = 1 point

Special abilities and breaking balls can also be bought or gambled for at the following costs:

(*Note: All breaking ball costs double by level*)
Basic Pitches (Slider, Curve, Changeup, Sinker, Sinking Fastball) = 5 points
Super Pitches (Knuckleball, 2-Seam Fastball) = 20 points
Other Pitches (H-SLD, CUT, DCB, SCB, KNCB, SLV, FORK, PALM, CCHG, SPLT, V-SLD, FOSH, SC, H-SNK, SHU, H-SHU) = 10 points

5-Scale Ability Upgrades and Blue/Red Abilities (Poker Face and Pull Hitter) = 10 points
Bronze Tier (Barehand Catch, Battler, Breakup DP, Firstball Hitter, GD Block, GD Bunt, GD Low Pitch, GD Pickoff, GD Pinch Hitter, GD Reflexes, Head First Slide, Lucky, Pivot Man, Rally Hitter, Safe Pitch, Sparkplug, Table Setter, Tough Out, Tough Runner, Trash Talk) = 25 points
Silver Tier (Bases Clearer, Bunt Master, GD B2B Hitter, GD Catcher, GD Delivery, GD Infield Hitter, Groundball P, Hot Hitter, Push Hitter, STR Finisher, Walk-Off Hitter) = 50 points
Gold Tier (Cannon Arm, Contact Hitter, Dr. K, Gold Glover, GRT Catcher, GRT Infield Hitter, Power Hitter, Spider Catch, Spray Hitter) = 100 points
Platinum Tier (Gyroball, Intimidator, Refined) = 1000 points
Green Abilities = 5 points

In addition, you may take on a red ability or 5-Scale downgrade to gain 5 points. This may only be done when you level up, however.

The seven players that have leveled up and that I will need decisions from are:

Ug Li (Tdud123)
Anthony Mangum (PowerPro Jr)
Johnny Boyega (GoTwins24)
Harold Henderson (Baseballteen9500)
Lake Lagunov (dishnet34)
Xander Woods
Cody Tibbits

Author:  dishnet34 [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

I'll take 2 top speed upgrades, and two control upgrades as well, to use up my allotted 10.

Author:  Tdud123 [ Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG #10!

Do we have a list of our stats?

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