Blake Carter

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Blake Carter is my (philliesfan134) first Success creation, a well-rounded right fielder.

Blake Carter
Born: July 11, 1988
No Team Uniform #3
Position: Platform: Wii
TRJ = 3
CON = 11 PWR = 167
RUN SPD = 12 ARM STR = 9
FLD = 8 E RES = 11
Hitting Zones - Left Handed


Scouting Report

He's an all-around player, though he lacks some in the fielding department. He doesn't make many errors though his arm isn't great. In that case he may be better suited for LF, but actually his hitting makes up for his defensive deficiencies, big time. Carter is a huge power threat that fits best in the three or four hole. He has excellent bat control and even is somewhat of a skilled bunter also. He hits well early in the count, and when he gets on, it likely will be his first base hit of many. He also comes up in the clutch when needed, and if you need him to, he's a good pinch hitter too. Though his arm isn't strong, it's accurate. Carter's lack of arm strength may be less of a problem since he's a quick runner in the field as well as on the basepaths, and if he needs to, he'll knock over your catcher to score a run. He's an aggressive runner and fielder. In the end, Carter's only real weakness is his arm strength and his fielding. He makes up with it by being a leader, a big threat at the plate, and his willingness to give it his all. In the future, he could end up being the cornerstone of a franchise.

Stats and Abilities


Trj. - 3, Contact - 11 (C), Power - 167 (B), Run Spd. - 12 (B), Arm Strength - 9 (D), Fielding - 8 (D), E Res. - 11 (C)


Clutch Hit 4
Gd. Pinch Htr.
Hot Hitter
Power Hitter
Gd. Bunt
Tough Out
Throwing 4
Tough Runner
Firstball Hitter
Agg. Fld.
Agg. Run


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